Leontodon rigens

(Rigid hawksbit)

A mounding plant with long, evergreen, bright green leaves that are oval at the top. Straight stems appear from between the leaves topped with tight sprays of yellow, dandelion-like flowers, the petals of which are layered over each other and fringed along the edges. This blooms for a very long time and looks cheerful at the front of a border.

A mounding plant with long, evergreen, bright green leaves that are oval at the top. Straight stems appear from between the leaves topped with tight sprays of yellow, dandelion-like flowers, the petals of which are layered over each other and fringed along the edges. This blooms for a very long time and looks cheerful at the front of a border.

  • Pot Size:
Availability: In stock
Estimated delivery £7.95
Delivery: 7-10 days


Colour: Yellow
Flowers: June and July
Height x Spread: 30cm x 30cm
Soil: Remains moist
Planting position: Sun/Partial Shade
Hardy to -10 degrees or more. Remove any dead leaves as needed.


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