Euphorbia polychroma

(Cushion spurge, Euphorbia epithymoides)

Heads of sulphur yellow flowers, with broad bracts are carried on upright stems. These spring out from a central crown to form a neat mound. Attractive with spring flowering blue bulbs such as scillas.

Heads of sulphur yellow flowers, with broad bracts are carried on upright stems. These spring out from a central crown to form a neat mound. Attractive with spring flowering blue bulbs such as scillas.

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Availability: In stock
Estimated delivery £7.95
Delivery: 7-10 days


Colour: Yellow
Flowers: April and May
Height x Spread: 60cm x 45cm
Soil: Well-drained
Planting position: Sun
Mounding plant
Hardy to -10 degrees and more, the foliage is evergreen. Easy to grow, but may take a while to spread. When removing old flower stems, be careful with the white sap that exudes from after the stem is cut. Some people are allergic to it, so wear gloves.


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