Wet Soil Collection

Not all plants are for wet soils. They can be prone to rot or root diseases, suffer waterlogging and growth problems, or fail to flower. I have had much experience with these kinds of soil, and have put together this collection of plants for wet soil. Whether you have clay soil, poor draining soil, or live in a very wet part of the UK – this collection of hardy perennials is perfect for these conditions. They will thrive in areas of the garden with damp soil that remain wet for most of the year. Some of these are quite bee friendly plants, flowering from summer to autumn. When ordering these outdoor plants, please take a note of the plants in this collection as by the time you receive them they may have changed. Featured plants run approximately from tallest (top left-hand corner) to shortest (bottom right-hand corner).

Space required

Soil Required

These are for placing in around a pond, or stream. Allow 30 - 45cm squared per plant.

Flowering Period

June to September

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