Philadelphus 'Belle Etoile'

(Mock orange)

One of the nicest smelling shrubs with cupped, simply shaped white flowers tinged soft purple in the centre. These are produced in abundance just above the oval, dark green leaves. Easy to grow and a nice back-drop for perennials.

One of the nicest smelling shrubs with cupped, simply shaped white flowers tinged soft purple in the centre. These are produced in abundance just above the oval, dark green leaves. Easy to grow and a nice back-drop for perennials.

  • Pot Size:
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Colour: White
Flowers: Summer
Height x Spread: 150cm x 180cm
Soil: Well-drained
Planting position: Sun/Partial Shade
Mounding plant
Hardy to -10 degrees and more, the foliage drops off in autumn and emerges in spring. Prune after flowering, in late summer. If they get too leggy then prune right back to the ground.


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